The Sims Page

This is the part of my humble little Webpage that is dedicated to all my favorite Flight Simulators out there. Enjoy

Jane's WWII Fighters:

Rating: 5 out of 5

This is yet another instant classic brought to the gamming world by Jane's Simulations. It contains an old museum where you can read about old WWII Ace's and see actual footage of dogfights.

You can step into the cockpit of 7 different WWII planes from the American, British, And German airforce of that time.

Realisim can be set up to acurate levels for the Ace's out there or tuned down for the less experienced.

I have yet to regret buying this game and i probably never will. It has very awesome graphics and the internet play through Jane's Simulations (FREE by the way) runs very well (i have a less than 28.8 connection rate and i still got more kills than some people). It soports most joysticks and has mediocre force feedback support.


1. Everyone seems to praise the British Spitfire for it's fast turning radius, but in my opinion, the thing couldn't roll worth anything and it made it hard for me to keep up with most other people that would change their direction durring a dogfight. Use with caution

2. Keep moving. What i mean by that is that if you find yourself in a turning match with someone (meaning you keep chaseing each other's tails like two dogs) roll left or right to keep your oponent on your toes. At the very least, it will make it interesting.

3. Avoid head on passes. This is the defenition of beginer's luck, it's usually pretty random as to who will survive a head on pass, and even if you do, you'll probably be too crippled to continue to fight. Instead, try getting above them (or under if you don't have the power) and try and jocky for position. My favorite thing to do is dive down under them and use the speed i pick up to loop over onto them.

4. Use the ground. If you can't seem to get someone off your tail, go hollywood and fly low to the ground. Try and fly between buildings too.

5. Avoid the German planes. These things have a silly ammount of ammo that will never last you even if you have gun pods, stick to the American Mustang or Thunderbolt.


TopGun: Return Fire:

Rating: 4 out of 5

Ok, this game, i will admit, is a little old. It was produced by Spectrum Holobyte and is one of my old favorites.

It has the original "Hondo" from the movie of the same title and a few other actors no one else has ever seen again.

The actual gameplay is a good blend of arcade action mixed with simiulation. It's a great feeling to be skimming low over the grand canyon and hear your RIO call out "Fox2!" four times as you empty what's left under your wing.

Five years ago, I would recomend this game, but the graphics will put off most people, so it just remains another classic collecting dust in my bed room :(


1. The best way to avoid an incomming missle is either to turn around and run, or have it set up to where it's comming in at your side and when it's under 2 miles away, turn towards it while dumping flares and chaff like nuts.

2. After the first few real world missions, don't bother equiping Fox 3 pheonix missles, most other fighter pilots will dodge them easy enough, save them for bombers if you know you are going after some (and i mean big bombers).

3. Fire your vulcan cannon in bursts in order to save ammo.

4. Be aggressive, this is just a sim and aggression pays off big in this game, have fun!


Top Gun: Hornet's Nest:

Rating: 3 out of 5

Sequil to Top Gun: Return Fire, I expected a whole lot more from this game and it didn't deliver. It's graphics are up to date and it still carries the simulator/arcade style action that the original contained.

Where it falls short is the lact of people out there. Instead of being out there with 2 or 4 people backing you up, you tend to be the one man army vs. the whole world, and it get's lonely after a while.

There is a lot less cinematics in this one and I wish they had made that part of it more like the original, I loved the fact that there was this cool cinematic after each mission and some funny humor mid-flight.

In the end, if you liked the original for it's core gameplay and can find it cheep (I got my copy for $20) it's worth it if you are a sim fan. If you're just a casual flyer, I would pass this one up if i were you.


1. To be honest, I haven't played this game enough to really have any good tips for you, just try and be aware of what is going on around you... it's confusing as heck out there. Good luck.


F22 Air Dominance Fighter:

Rating: 4 out of 5

Produced by Ocean and DID this game is, as far as I can tell, the best F22 simulator out there. It's physics and graphics are amazing even though it's a little old. It has all the features and little bells and whisltes (including vector controled engine nosils) that the real one has (or what the government will tell us it has anyway).

It comes with the ability to corodinate a whole air force from a tatical map, or to just hop into a cockpit and blast away. It contains a ton of realizim that i haven't seen yet... like the ability to do a belly landing and walk away from it.

The only thing that didn't get me into this game much was the fact that it was so realistic that it got borring for me. It made me realize I am not a 100% sim fan. But, for those of you who ARE real big sim fans, and don't want to spend a lot of cash (and if you can find this game) then it's worth a look into and even though I don't play it anymore, I don't regret buying it one bit.


1. Don't be afraid to use the vector controled nosils (the ~ key if I remember right) you can do a lot of fun stuff with it and it can save your life in a pinch.


Flight Unlimited:

Rating: 4 out of 5

Published by Looking Glass Technologies, Flight Unlimited was soposed to " the revolutionary flight simulator that takes you out of the wind tunnel and puts you in the air"-Computer Gaming World. And it did just that.

I've played the Microsoft Flight Simulators and this game was by far much better. First off, the graphics are top notch for it's day and are still comparable to today's flight sims.

You could sit in the cockpit of one of 5 airplanes uncludeing a Sail Plane. You can sit in with a flight instructor and learn all the cool tricks. There are ring courses where you try and get the best time while not crashing.

There are a ton of little neat tricks and fun options that you can do, and you get a cool crash cam for when you fly a little too low. In fact, these planes arn't invincible... go to fast and pull to hard, it all falls apart. Another fine addition to any flight nut (although I hear it's sequils are even better).


1. Be gentle with the Sail Plane. Watch it's speed carefully and if you start to hear creaking... gently pull back and try to reduce it... any faster and you're going to break apart.


Well, that's it. That's all the flight simulartors I own. I always wanted to be a fighter pilot, but when I got near-sighted, the dream was kinda shattered, so I stoped buying games. Click back to return to the main page and check out another genre!


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