Tada! It's Me!

Yep, that's me, Ben. Never thought a web designer could look so smashing eh? Just kidding, i'm really more humble than most people think i should be. I Live in Texas (hate it here) and I like, basically anything that has to do with either computers, games, paintball, or girls (yes mom and dad, i've gotten to that age!). My dream date would be a date that does all those things in one day. Well, this page will be getting updated rapidly like all the other ones (my final plan is to have a mention to every game i own, which is over 200+ games!). When i get around to it, this page will also have links to my friend's pages.

Below is a Pic of me and my favorite Starfighter, The Patriot from Starlancer. Enjoy

The left side is the front of the ship by the way.


Links To Friend's Sites


The Fairy Index This is the Webpage my precious L:iz, who without, this site wouldn't exits (thank you by the way). Lot's of stuff on faries and much more advanced design than my own.


A Randomly Cool Page This is the Webpage of my very cool friend Meredith. Lots of cool stuff there in my opinon


Complaints? Problems? Insults? E-mail me at bite-me@go-screw-yourself.com

Now, if you have something nice to say, e-mail me here: doomsday1982@aol.com (also e-mail me at that same address to report broken links, pictures that won't load, or spelling errors you find, thanks!)


Note: this is a non-profit sight, all images are copywrited by their original owners. If you own the copywrite to these and do not wish them posted e-mail me at Doomsday1982@aol.com and i'll remove it post-haste. Please don't sue, i'm trying to pay for college and you probably have enough money such as it is whoever you are.