The FPS* Page

*FPS stands for First-Person Shooter

This page is dedicated to those games that can make us all feel like action heros. Wether you are creaping forward in a dark room on Phobos, or storming the beach at Normandy, these games never fail to give all gamer's an adrenaline rush each time they get surprised by a deamon, or managed to achive their goal in the knick of time.

Unreal Tournament:

Rating: 5 out of 5

Homepage: Unreal Tournament

This game has been highly praised by many editors of gamming magazines and the like, and it is worthy of all of it. Produced by GT Interactive Software and EPIC GAMES, this game has a little bit of everything for any FPS gammer out there.

It should be noted, that like Quake 3 Arena (look below), this game is focused on the Multiplayer aspect of FPS games that was started with Doom, Deathmatch! That's right, there is no creeping down slowly through a dark corridor to run into some lame computer enemy that's been programed to wait for you, it's all about the organized chaos of close combat with human players.

Of course, GT thought ahead for those of us poor gammers with no Cable or DSL connection. That's why Unreal Tournament has what is probably the best "Bot" system out there in games today.

What is a "Bot" you ask? Simply put, it's a computer controled player, programed to act like a human playter in a deathmatch senario. Now this may not sound all that to someone who doesn't play games, but it's a defenity a big advance from what FPS games were plauged with. (It should also be noted, that, from what i know, the first original Bot's were made for Quake by some guy out on the 'Net with too much time on his hands, and NOT some game producer that thought it would be a good idea)

What I think makes this game better than the other FPS games out there are 2 things. First off, i've always hated getting the crap scared out of my every time an enemy poped out from the shadows in a normal FPS game, but I always liked Deathmatch. And 2ndly, this game has a lot more cool stuff than it's competator, Quake III Arena.


1. Read the death Match Manefesto that you can find at most book stores (if you have the spare cash) most tips in there are appliccable here.

2. Don't forget the redemer can kill you too, and if you're trying to guide it, and are getting shot at, hit the secondary fire again to detonate and then start running.

3. If you can learn how to take off heads with the sniper rifle at close range witout zooming in or missing, you can be god like.

4. The Flak Gun is a great, close range supression weapon, use it.

5. Any Mouse with a wheel will prove invaluable in this game (for most users)

6. When caught in an enforcer duel, switch to the jackhammer (i forgot the name for some reason) and just hold down primary fire and kill him in one hit (assuming he's just sitting there)

Quake III Arena:

Rating: 4 out of 5

Homepage: Quake 3 Arena

Quake III Arena is another FPS worthy of it's series title, brought to us by Id software, the makes of the infamous Doom games.

Q3A is a multiplayer deathmatch focused game, just like UT above. And it delivers very well and would be a good addition to any FPS fan's collection.

What this game lacks is all the different modes of play and weaspons that UT has to offer

This is by no means, a real problem, i bought Q3A months before I got UT and never stoped playing it. But I will admit that I haven't played it since I got UT though.

It's advantages is that it has a more gothic look to it (if you like that sorta thing). And it's graphics are defenately better than UT's. Also, the levels with all the bouncing pads are stupidly fun and chaotic, as well as the level with this fog that doesn't let you see farther than 3 feet, even though it's all out in the open.


1. Don't play this while feeling sleepy, it's much more fast paced than UT, even at it's slowest setting, be ready to be twitching when you finish.

2. Unless you are REALLY good, the only way I can kill someone with the Rail gun is when they are running straight at, or away from me, at point blank, or if they hit a bounce pad (it makes leading them predictable)

3. Don't even bother with the shotgun.


Rating: 1 out of 5

Homepage: Kingpin

I usually won't post a game that's gotten so low a rating by me so high up in the list, but i want people to make sure that they don't ever buy this game.

Basically, the only thing that sold this game was the excessve amouts of cussing (which i couldn't even hear, i had to keep the stuff turned off because my mom would hear) and the "realistic" gore that is don't a heck of a lot better in soldier of fortune if that's what you're interested in playing.

Avoid this game at all costs, it's only possible use is a gag gift for a goodie goodie.


1. Get a REAL gun and shoot this thing on sight.



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